Child/Youth Name & Details
Youth Email & Phone
We will only use a youth's contact details to Email or SMS weekly information about Youth Group. This will not be used for indidual email, SMS or phone calls from a Youth Leader without express parental permission.
Emergency Contacts/Family
Medical Information & Permissions
Please give as much details as needed so we can be properly informed especially in an emergency.
Bairnsdale Baptist Church is looking to share the story of what is happening at our children and youth ministries with parents, families, the youth, Bairnsdale Baptist Church and the wider community. We are planning to do this via the church website as well as on our own Facebook and Instagram pages.
In sharing our story, we intend to use photos, video, audio and commentary about church events and activities.
We are asking your permission to use media such as photo, video, audio, and comments of your in paper publications (newsletters), our website, Facebook and Instagram.
Granting Permission
By selecting "Yes" below I give consent for Bairnsdale Baptist Church to use
- Media (photo/video/audio) and comments of your child in paper publications and/or on websites including social media.
- Media, written comments and/or work samples which may identify your child by first name only.
The permission will continue until I revoke permission in writing or via an email.
To complete this form a signature is needed. Please click submit below and then click "Sign here" on the confirmation page.